A Rant A Day Keeps Sanity Away

The Specialization Scam

Posted in Uncategorized by Ultra Sane on January 2, 2012

Over a long period of time, even showing up in historical records, governments and societies have spread the myth of specialization of profession in order to suppress and monopolize the thoughts of the general public. By directing intelligent people to study limited areas of knowledge, the overlords were able to prevent them from changing the balance of power, or just to advance a complex agenda.

Unknown to the mass public, a life primarily of hard labor is not necessary. It has never been necessary, and people who live in poor regions are especially fooled by the notion that they must labor all day. They spend their days largely alone, or in small family groups, usually just waiting and watching, the two things that produce the least progress and wealth in this world, unless you’re watching the stock market.

The truth is that you never have to wait, idly watching the plants grow, and you never should. One of the major contributors to the tendency to wait is the over-consumption of food products that are devoid of nutrients.

The newest threat to individual liberty and self sufficiency is the genetic manipulation of the brain, resulting in massive deficiencies in interests and hardening of certain brain pathways that enable a person to change their skill-set. In this current era of unparalleled awareness and scientific understanding, in which we are only just figuring out the dynamic properties of the brain, that same science is being used to make everything that is being learned about the brain wrong. They are creating a whole new genetic line of people who can only concentrate on what they decide, and those people will be passionate about their use-and-throw-away capabilities.

How do you know if you have been engineered? Does it hurt to think about unfamiliar things? Does it give you panic attacks, tightness in your chest, palpitations, headache, dizziness, even moods wings or depression? Have you been diagnosed with a psychiatric condition that is difficult to explain and has similar effects to dozens of other conditions? Well, you could be suffering from any number of nutritional ailments, or you could have undergone gene therapy brain conditioning treatments.

There is no way to be absolutely sure that you are safe from this kind of alteration. Many different administering techniques have already been developed for the treatment of the general public. Some are designed as food additives that can be silently put into popular foods. Some are used in fertilizers and absorbed by crops. Some are added to the water supply or simply spread on the winds. The most common, as far as I know, is as pharmaceutical additives in products such as chemotherapy infusions.

I don’t know if anyone can really defend against this kind of attack from within, as there are so many gene labs working on this sort of thing, it is impossible to finger just one. Every power base in the world is interested in this subjugation technology, so the only people who can be brought to justice are scapegoats. All I or anyone can really do is to watch in horror as the nature of humanity slowly changes, enabling a new golden era of special interest agendas and global pyramid schemes. The only thing that could possibly even think to fight back would be a powerful force of good that does the opposite, changing peoples brains to be as multifunctional and intelligent as possible, before it’s too late.

The truth is, the average human brain is capable of thinking on every known normal level of human thought, and all within one person. Every normal person can and should know everything about everything. It is not only important for living well, but also for innovation and performance in uncertain times. Try to forget what everyone keeps telling each other about being limited, being only human. It isn’t your brain that is limited, it is the method of education that is limited. We must all constantly strive to use the best techniques for brain health that exist, and continue to develop new ones.


Posted in Uncategorized by Ultra Sane on December 25, 2011

Wow, it seems as though I’ve been sane far too long now. Who knows when I’ll return to the dark side again? Hopefully not soon! As much as I enjoy being insane, I enjoy being sane more.

Torture Is Good

Posted in Uncategorized by Ultra Sane on November 18, 2011

As the title indicates, torture can be a positive influence on your life. The true definition of  torture is any stressor that influences an individual to make a change in order to reduce or end the stress. Torture is far more general than people originally thought, and it is not as bad as you might first imagine. The negative hype that has been given to torture over the last few decades has actually worsened the general state of happiness of the population.

There are many ways to get people to talk. This is what most people assume is the main goal when the subject of torture comes up. The truth of the matter is that torture occurs in our every day lives, and we put up with it, and we often need it in order to learn and mature. There are many useful methods to expedite the decision process required for a person of interest to divulge information. These are what we commonly call torture, but in truth, and as many people in the torture business have said, they can be unnecessary and often produce non-credible results. The modern method of  getting answers, which has been around for quite some time now, is deception. It involves torture of the mind in the form of forced decisions and dilemmas. These forced decision making situations have a very minimal effect on the subject, while maintaining a high level of credibility compared to any other form of torture.

The mind is built to handle stress. It is made to solve problems and to come to compromises of judgement when the situation becomes dire. This is the most basic level at which one can consider this subject. It can even be as exotic as being forced to eat human flesh in a survival situation, a decision that has been proven possible repeatedly even in modern times. Not only is the body tortured with hunger, but the mind is constantly tortured with the fear of death and dilemma of ending the life of another or consuming a dead friend in order to live on yourself. Yet, the mind will make a decision, and that is exactly what it is equipped to do.

A habit is basically a compulsion to repeat a familiar task. The healthy mind is built to form habits, so the more you do something, the less you will dislike doing it. Some tasks may seem torturous, but not as much as the torture that you will be solving by completing the task. Because most humans do not have a drive to accomplish tasks that they find unsavory or of little benefit or pleasure, they often need some kind of situation of torture in order to apply themselves to tasks that society has determined are necessary. Working at a job is a good example of such a habit forming exercise. Eventually you should begin to enjoy or even miss working, and you will have solved the torture of having not enough to eat, or living in the  bad part of town.

Another common situation of torture, or at least a situation that used to be common, was parental punishment. . With very young children, torture is as simple as offering a reward for doing a task. Due to the delicate emotional makeup of young children, coupled with the brain’s resilience at that age, this form of torture can be an effective and usually harmless motivator. With older children, more drastic measures may need to be taken in order to get results. Parents have historically turned to physical violence in order to scare older children into completing tasks. The fear of torture becomes an excellent general purpose motivator, which can be applied to future decision making experiences, and often creates unusually strong compulsions to succeed and out perform. This method of torture can be traumatizing, but if some other motivational method is not used, the consequences are far more detrimental.

Many older parents and childcare professionals have noted the unusual lack of motivation and drive in the life of adults who have not received adequate childhood motivation. Although most people will admit that physical violence is wrong and harmful, the lack of a replacement can not be ignored. It is simply the easiest method for most people, and it can be argued that it is crucial to children growing up in a  poor social environment. In order for it to be removed altogether, society as a whole must be improved, and the consequences of not acting now will impact entire generations.

In adulthood, the mind becomes conditioned to an average level of stress associated with life, usually resulting from experiences of childhood. Often, some forms of torture can be ignored or resisted for long periods of time, and many people decide to self medicate against common stresses instead of changing their behaviors. In most situations, self improvement is the most effective way to eliminate stress. If a person faces extra physical demands at work, it is a simple choice to do some exercise and eat healthier. The simpler a choice, the easier it is to ignore, and thus there are many people struggling to accomplish their daily tasks completely needlessly.

The best way to combat any form of torture is to create an effective habit forming system that allows you to analyze changes and challenges in your life and formulate effective strategies to negate the torturous effects. If a person works at a call center answering questions and has to look up every answer from the resources, some amount of torture may be involved, not only for the worker but also for the customer. It can be more torturous to have to look up answers that you have already answered before. The simple solution to this situation is to study the answers for yourself on your free time.

The same strategies that that can be used to resist the tortures of life can also be used to resist exotic and outdated torture methods. For many people, simply believing that your knowledge is a vital resource to your interrogator can be enough to enable them to ignore the pain and focus on the knowledge that the torture must end at some point. It is true that reveling and enjoying as much as possible the time you are not suffering is very effective at forming positive memories which may be used to tolerate negative situations. Many people in society turn to drugs to enhance the high of the experience in order to get through the tortures they face.

Meditation practices, or mentally forcing yourself to focus on a positive experience, have probably been around since the beginning as an effective way to build mental tolerance. It is based on knowing that the human mind is not a rational construct, and so you can convince yourself that you are having a better time than you are really having. The only important thing for your mind is that you think you are enjoying yourself. Although it is true that the mind does not rely on rational thinking, rationality levels vary from person to person.


Efficiency Margin Killers

Posted in Uncategorized by Ultra Sane on September 26, 2011

The next few things will shock you. You won’t believe it. It is all true and you may have a feeling in the back of your mind that I’m right. The world we know today can’t end well, and things are changing at a fast rate to end the reality you are comfortable with right now. The following is a short list of the top killers of economic efficiency. They are what I call efficiency margins, things that lower the overall efficiency of the world.


That’s right, profit destroys the bottom line. Every dollar of profit is a sign of poor economic efficiency. This is not to say that the business making a profit is inefficiency, quite the contrary, but the economic environment in which the company does business is hurt. Lets review what profit means for a  bit. Profit means that the product could have been sold for less! Profit means that the workers could have been paid more! Profit means that the raw ingredients are being under-valued! Profit can lead to greater inefficiencies as well. Some people may decide not to reinvest their wealth, and hoard it all, keeping it out of the system! The economy then has to function with less money in the loop, which means slower throughput.


That’s right, wages are a sign of poor economic efficiency. The greater the wage, the lower the overall efficiency. The greater the minimum wage, the poorer the quality of living is for every individual who gets the minimum. Because the minimum wage is directly tied to cost of living, the higher it is, the more challenging it is to live in that environment. The more challenging it is to live, the worse off everyone is!


Food prices are another efficiency drain! Food prices are mostly impacted by shipping costs, even though a lot of money goes into equipment prices and chemicals for the task of farming, none of those implements are actually needed. After a little while, equipment gets paid off. Less chemicals means fewer smaller harvests, which means more people can be farmers. A lot of people are actually paid not to work their farmland! The cost of food affects the cost of living, which affects wages, which affects company profits.


There’s a relatively new technology that has actually been around and used for about ten years or more as of 2010. This is virtual reference guided three dimensional pattern scanning. Basically, a camera and lasers scan a piece of machinery from every angle using a 3D model as a reference. If any part looks worn or bent or burned out, it is tagged for human inspection, or it is just replaced by robots. Every machine can be designed to be repaired using this method in concert with functional diagnostics and self-diagnostic hardware. These are all automated processes that require a minimal human workforce for emergencies and second opinions.

We need to put extremely cheap solar films on top and sides of every train car in the world. This would only require maybe one or two battery bank cars, and the entire train system would become completely free. We need to have more proliferation of automated packing and unpacking of shipping cargo around the world, even as far as dropping packages off at your home. We should have a shipping cargo rail lane underground with small above-ground vehicles that unload parcels on your doorstep.


OK so I bet you are wondering, with all of this automation and freedom, what will we be doing? You decide.

Economic Balance On Razor’s Edge

Posted in Uncategorized by Ultra Sane on September 9, 2011

It has been documented throughout the ages. Governments rise and fall. Economies crash and people resort to cannibalism to survive. Economies prosper, and people stop working, they make political trouble, and start wars and create new nations. This is the balancing act, on the edge of a razor blade, that governments have to contend with.

New nations with minimal wealth have more power than old nations with great wealth. The poor economic condition allows forced labor to penetrate all of society, limiting human freedom and liberty of the general public. The price of goods and services is extremely low because they are being produced for free.

At some point, a nation reaches the golden age. It is the beginning of the end. People work for a limited amount of time with an acceptable reward. People have a moderate amount of time to be idle and pursue other interests. Most people are given enough work to fulfill their personal desire to be useful, while at the same time they are given enough leisure time to relax and enjoy life.

The end comes when the unthinkable happens. Labor unions force businesses to give employees more money than is sustainable, and companies begin to go out of business. More and more people earn too much money, and decide to retire in their early thirties or forties, removing huge masses of people from the labor market. Small businesses rise and fall, quickly being taken over by large corporations that are too bloated to survive alone.

Chaos ensues, leading to slave labor alongside rags to riches millionaires. Small pockets of enormous wealth reside alongside huge slums. All of the philanthropy in the world won’t help the nation now, the end is visible. The costs of goods and services rise to epic levels due to the unpredictability of the markets.

The people rise up. Many lives are lost. Dictators and regimes are overthrown. Crime skyrockets.

Secular Deism

Posted in Uncategorized by Ultra Sane on August 21, 2011

It’s a big deal. People are always hating on religious people for believing in fake things, worshiping something great and invisible. Everyone tends to accept that worshiping things that are visible is even worse, especially if it is a living person. Artists rarely become popular until after they are dead.

If you are religious, fine, you have nothing to worry about. You are already worshiping what you are supposed to. Otherwise, be afraid, be very afraid. It is a well documented function of the brain to want something to worship. You may as well join a religion, it will be safer for you.

Watch these secular deists who hate religion. They are screaming about how amazing and wonderful and intelligent someone is. They are worshiping someone or some thing without thinking that they are deists! The problem is that religious people have something to believe in, whereas secular deists have no idea what to believe, but they do have the yearning to worship.

Go to church for your health. Sing the songs to god and enjoy the social circles and fellowship, and then get out of there. Most religious people are actually doing this. They don’t really believe, they are just providing an appropriate outlet for this natural human desire. They aren’t really religious, they even ignore all of the tenets of their religious code.

Do it. And stop worshiping the latest pop star or the next president. They’re humans, and usually no better than a preteen in any perspective of  morality or wisdom. Giving them deistic power makes them think they are better than everyone else and they decide to rule over us all as though it is true.

How To Create A Great Person

Posted in Uncategorized by Ultra Sane on August 21, 2011

A great person is made, not born. In order to become great, you must be coerced to be great by others. It’s not a personal choice that a worthless person can suddenly make in the middle of the night.

To be great, you must start at a young age. The best age to start being great is age two. This is the first year of mega learning capacity to learn language skills. Teach the person as many words of every language as possible between age two and five. This is not a serious educational mature procedure and must be approached with a child’s mind. Also, make sure to pay attention at least three times per day or more for at least thirty minutes.

After age five learning, switch out of language and into responsibility. Give the child skills and tasks that are common and simple, but maybe not so easy to accomplish. Very young children are supremely equipped to figure out the best way to get from point A to point B in any simplistic task. In order to make someone a great person, you must challenge them with these very simple tasks at a very young age. Make sure to pay attention about three times per day for at least fifteen minutes.

Once the child is at least three quarters the size of an adult, the child can do pretty much anything an adult can do. This means you must get the child to do those things. At this age you must act extremely friendly and appreciative! Don’t take the child’s work for granted, but don’t give the child anything of material value beyond what the child will get for his or her self. Wait until the task is done properly before showering love upon the child. If the child does not complete the task properly, remember, it is your fault and not the child’s. Do not pass blame. When a person of any age is demeaned, the person loses the capacity to take responsibility for things as much. This is counter productive in life and makes the person less reliable for anything. Make sure to pay attention at this age at least twice per day for ten minutes.

Don’t be afraid to show your ineptitude to the child at this age. A person who deifies their superiors is a sheep who can only do what they are told. A great person does things independent of what other people say, with an inner drive to do things even if the job is a regular employment situation. Try to get the child to accomplish not only personal tasks but also your tasks. People learn to be useless when they are not relied upon to help others to do things that need to be done. This may seem like teaching your child to meddle with other peoples lives, but it is actually an innate drive that needs to have an outlet, and it can be observed in most organisms that spend time in groups. By this age, the child should be coming to you to pay attention to you, otherwise, pay attention once per day for fifteen minutes.

As a young child who can do anything that other adults can do, children see things that can be perceived as injustices, and they can get angry. If you do not give  this natural part of their development an alternate outlet, you will probably be the object of the child’s anger and hate. During this period of development, teach your child about world events. Show the child the injustices in society at large, and if you are to blame for something, accept it and apologize as a member of the community instead of as an individual who can change, otherwise, stop doing those bad things. At the age of capability without having legal or financial wealth to do things, children are supremely equipped to analyze and solve simple social problems of our time. If your child needs to have your attention at this age, it may not be such a good sign, and if so, try to seem needy.

Now at the age of young adulthood before your child reaches great success, you have to very quickly lose all of your parental inhibitions and release your child from your care. If your child has to stay at home, treat the child like a friend or an acquaintance instead of a charge. Make contracts with your child that you would make with a complete stranger who rents from you. Be supportive of your child’s success, and do things with your child as if he or she is a good friend instead of as a parent and child.

How To Avoid Poverty Forever

Posted in Uncategorized by Ultra Sane on August 10, 2011

There are a great many strategies out there for getting rich and playing the markets, but there are precious few strategies for avoiding poverty. I can tell you from experience that the idea that great wealth requires great risk is complete nonsense. It is basically a scare tactic to keep people away from wealth. People think that they have to sell their souls or gain great responsibility if they want to be wealthy, but this is completely false. The only great truth about money that nobody will deny is that money is a type of power.

The first and most important part of being wealthy is mastering the job position that you want to get. It is sick how many people apply for jobs that they haven’t mastered, and it is even more obscene how many of those people have been hired. If you want to stay wealthy, you have to be prepared to do your job.

The best way to figure out how to get prepared for your job is to do a quick web search and a bit of light reading about the subject. Contrary to popular belief, university is not the primary way to get prepared to do a job. The primary way to prepare for a job is to spend time going to meetings and clubs and hanging around where careerists relax and converse. Making friends with people who already do the job you want will prepare you in ways you never expected.

Know how to interact with the people in your chosen job. Agree with things the people in power agree with. Mirror the emotions that they have about subjects that come up. Really consider the point of view that your superiors have, and cater to it. The most trusted people in any job are people who pretend to be more neutral and empathetic without sharing that they disagree with what anyone says, while at the same time they think hard about the points of view  of every side and make serious thoughtful statements about them once in a while. If you can’t see the point of view of someone else, you have no business working around them, they will push you away, and you will get isolated and eventually fired.

Avoid inviting working friends to your home. Always be the person who gets invited over. Try to understand the situation that your friends live in, and figure out the circumstances that keep them in their place. Stop over at any friend’s home, even if they are not successful or motivated. Understanding what not to do can help you avoid pitfalls that successful people sometimes fall into. Not only is it important, it can also help you find friends who won’t discriminate against you for your failures, and you may find unexpected opportunities along the way.

In case you fail at everything else, or if you become the target of a conspiracy, study all of the plants and animals of your area. Study the beggars and taboo groups. Find out what wild plants are edible, and learn how to make food safe to eat. Keep a survival kit with flint and steel in your car or backpack. Take a week out of your life only eating survival foods and searching for hidden wildlife supplies.

Learn about fashion. It was interesting to see the invisible dividing lines between people who are mixed together every day. They have the same wealth, the same sense of humor, the same interests, but they have different fashions sense. Make yourself look sharp. If you must, make friends with someone who looks sharp and ask the person for advice. Walk straight and wear the tread on your shoes evenly. Make sure the collars on your shirts are even. Keep your clothing safe from moths that will create holes. Try not to look sharper than the sharpest coworker and don’t look sloppier than the sloppiest coworker.

Stay healthy, seem honest, be friendly, and good luck.

How To Brainwash The Public

Posted in Uncategorized by Ultra Sane on August 5, 2011

The signs were everywhere. Everyone could see them. Brainwashing was underway. The trouble was that nobody knew what brainwashing was, and nobody had the power to stop it.

Everyone should have a clean mind. Everyone with a clean mind is brainwashed. Brainwashing is basically a way to imprint a specific set of beliefs and goals and mental rigidity into someone. Every organized force brainwashes its members.

Brainwashing has two goals. The primary goal is to get people to agree with and carry out some set of beliefs and activities. The secondary goal is to get people to disagree with, fight against and deny themselves to think about some set of beliefs and activities.

If you have limited funds, brainwashing people is going to be harder. You will have to brainwash people yourself, face to face. First, learn the basic behavioral methods that create an illusory bond of friendship. Be extremely friendly and agree with whatever the other person says, even if it conflicts with what you are trying to brainwash the person to think. Try to make physical contact with the other person. This is the best identifier about whether the other person is receptive and trusting.

Be very repetitive with your messages, but have a variety of messages, and be consistent. Make sure you are using a form of prose, verse, poetry, something in your voice that exudes a feeling of victory, success, happiness, satisfaction, purity, empathy. Even people selling filth do this. It is not what is said, but how it is said, plus, slogans and rhymes are easier to memorize and repeat.

Focus on things that people already believe to be true about your message before trying to force new ideas upon them. Make partnerships with groups that seem to  be trustworthy and well known in the population. Stress your partnerships with these well known names in the segway to your core message. Introduce imagery whenever possible, especially imagery that is considered to be trustworthy and victorious and satisfying.

Impress members with their importance in the mission. Make them each feel as though it is their duty to spread the word. Whenever they find success, commend their progress in a way that they will appreciate personally.

Test the belief of your members by doing or saying socially unacceptable or unusual things. A truly brainwashed person will ignore or accept anything you do. Create a network of spies within your group who are tasked with reporting morale and obedience of other members, and make examples of disobedient or unsatisfied members.


I used to be brainwashed. Most children get brainwashed as they grow up. I was taught to only do things the hard way, but I was too weak, I had to give up on doing anything. Out of weakness I found strength, and I learned that I was brainwashed, and I began to study the world with new eyes.

Chaos is filth of the mind. Thinking about desires and dreams and needs and completely unnecessary things is chaos. Self expression and freedom are intuitively chaotic. Being undecided and directionless in your life is chaotic. Being discouraged, fearful, unhappy and giving in to temptation is chaos.

Thinking about goals and duty is purity of the mind. Being confident and proud and organized is a sign of a pure mind.

March of the Dog People

Posted in Uncategorized by Ultra Sane on July 6, 2011

(this would make an interesting, if not old fashioned, B science fiction movie)

And lo, upon the beginning of time there were the ancestors. Whatever you may call them, the gods, the ancients, the reptilians, the angels, the Asgard, or even the ancient aliens. And thus there came a great era of prosperity upon the earth. An age of dinosaurs, an age of the eating of flesh and bone. As the era continued, some took to the skies, some became smarter, and some became more ruthless than ever. And it came to pass that these beings were fruitful and spread across the whole earth.

Finally, the dominant species were no longer content to live upon this small rock, and they aspired to reach further reaches of majesty and voyage out unto the stars. Yet, as they longed for new venues, they wished to leave their mark upon the earth, to remember upon it that which has gone. For any advanced society as such would never leave a hint of their existence, for they recycle, they collect trash, and they treat the earth and its inhabitants responsibly and with respect. Thus, the ancients set out to form a new kind of creature, a genetic line with much promise, to be made in their image. And lo, upon the earth was found mammals, and the mammals were made to look like the ancients through selective breeding programs.

And  through the ages, the mammals developed larger brains, and they found it to be desirable to walk upon two legs, and they tamed fire, and they created civilizations remarkably similar to those of  their ancient predecessors. And there came a time when they too wished to leave this earth in search of what wonders they might find out among the stars, and similarly, they too desired to leave a semblance of their presence upon the earth.

The creature that was chosen to become the next Human race was none other than man’s best friend, the faithful and obedient servant to the end, the humble and easily alterable dog. For in ancient history we see that the majority of dog breeds are directly bred from wild wolves, yet there are thousands of breeds of all shapes and sizes today. So then, humans spent many ages selectively breeding dogs to resemble humans as closely as possible. Finally, humans genetically altered themselves to have beautiful wings of legend, and with their new genetic capabilities, they spread among the stars just as the ancients had done so long ago.

And thus began the age of the dog. Dogs are far superior to humans in many ways. They have acute sense of smell and strength and power that no human has. Now with the one thing that enhances power and dominance above all others, the human form, dogs easily improved their intelligence enough to replace humans in primitive civilizations. Over eons the dogs became virtually indistinguishable from humans, and who’s to say that the dogs were not humans?

This is a tale of hate and forgiveness, a tale of love and resentment, a tale of nostalgia and amnesia. This is a story for the ages, a cautionary tale to the wise and a great temptation to the evil. For aliens may be walking among us, or are they just the original inhabitants of this world? Will we one day leave, only to return one day and see that someone has replaced us? Are all humans of the same breed, or are some ancients still here? Of course, these questions have all but been answered with genetic testing of global populations. We are all basically the same. The dilemma is over. Go back to your homes and put away your guns.